
Breath, Walk

 In the whirlwind of life's chaotic race, We often forget to slow our pace. With each passing day, we strive to climb, But sometimes, we must take it one step at a time. A day at a time, we must embrace, The beauty hidden in life's simple grace. For in these moments of calm and peace, We find solace and a much-needed release. Let go of the burdens that weigh you down, The mistakes, the regrets, the constant frown. Embrace the power of a brand-new start, And mend the wounds that once tore you apart. Move on from the things that held you back, The toxic relationships, the dreams that lacked. Discover the strength that lies deep within, And let your journey of healing begin. It's not about rushing towards the end, But about savoring the joy life can send. Take each day as an opportunity to grow, And let your inner light continue to glow. Remember, life's a marathon, not a race, And finding balance is the key to embrace. So, slow down, breathe, and take it all in, For in th


I guess it's time to come back home, it's needless to sit here alone while nature ...nature has paved a way for me. i guess it's time,  dreams harbored as a teenager pursue, they seemed out of reach waiting, wailing, ailing, yearning ...not forthcoming One, two, three...twelve years to be precise a dream long abandoned Now I know why survive they could not it had to be you. Sweetheart, look yonder my eyes still twinkle at the sight of you No longer a teenager tested and scared by life, yet, my heart speeds and slows ... at the sight of you. See, baby... it never stopped you were my teenage dream ...that I wished on a star. I guess, it always comes to pass ...when you wish hard enough. Coming home, where laughter is our music, you, my entertainer, me, your audience...its how it's supposed to be listening, encouraging, supporting... you thought I was nice then... now, babe, am more refined and polished ... lif


It's been a while, time, space, distance, They have all left me in a trance, I somehow lost my wit, My heart left me in a splint Am empty, poetry I don't wanna taint So I'll just be brief You see, It's all coming back to me, I was, yes, I used to be flawless in writing I had my inspiration, the best of me My sixth sense, but, with a name At whose sight my heart flattered ...and hummed to a stop if I forgot to breath. Everything was magnified then; the wit in me, the artist in me... My fingers always itched to pen As though I had swallowed Thesaurus then he left... and all came to a standstill till today... I think am finding myself again, ...or losing myself. Am back... my own inspiration


The pain, the anger, the frustration The bitterness that comes with betrayal Love that turns sour Robbing one of their dreams The anguish of losing one’s ground Falling and never rising again Some will call it madness I call it a power difficult to harness Love is pure wickedness A vice that accompanies weakness Turning joy to bitterness …and warped that which was flawless With a sharp sword engraved in my soul Avenge I must before I face Seoul You call me heartless I say, I just use my heart less Brutality mercilessly took my naivety Brutality assures me of my liberty An eye for an eye makes all of us blind However, a heart for a heart… alienates pain!


It’s a drizzly overcast day, gloomy befits it, Yet, my heart glows, Reasons’ distraught at this unfathomable delight For in its divine knowledge… Caution is rendered inapt, For heart finds reason in love Reason with which reason cannot reason Heart assumes the conductors baton All uncertainties dissolve to passion, It defies reason, The earth painting green, where flora exists not It becomes our dance floor, you take my hand And the dance commences, sashay with me love You my symphony, I assume your tempo Deeply staring into your eyes Seeking for any sign of mendacity, love … Know what I see? Leaping arcs of desire… like a log in the sea We sail with the current, we cruise over the edge To the far periphery of paradise In dance, you’re a marvel of efficiency… Inexcusably gauche it shall be, if I fail to mention… The exquisiteness of your brown eyes… Them that display the color of a sea storm, They carry the weight of words l

Room For Your Thoughts: Let Me..don' stop me

Room For Your Thoughts: Let Me..don' stop me