
Showing posts from October 10, 2010

You are to me What Darkness is to the Star

I watch the stars scintillate, another day gone by, my thoughts I articulate, from them to create a lullaby, to lull him that I treasure, to the land of fairies. I watch the moon glow, and the breeze of the night blow, today, my heart you gave an adventure, I am happy in the joy of loving, the joy of believing, that forever, you will walk by me, that you won't tire loving me. I took the picture of your face, forever I will keep it in my heart, if destiny parts our paths, you will forever be in me, i will carry the good memories, 'coz you are a good memory too, you just need to whisper my name, and you will forever experience my presence. Keep my promises with you, those that I solemnly swore to you, like a good song, memorize the lyrics, remind me of them when I err for those, I live for, i will guard what we have, with my last breath, and with it, your name will escape my lips. I will solely rely on your word, that which puts a smile on my fac