Breath, Walk

 In the whirlwind of life's chaotic race,

We often forget to slow our pace.

With each passing day, we strive to climb,

But sometimes, we must take it one step at a time.

A day at a time, we must embrace,

The beauty hidden in life's simple grace.

For in these moments of calm and peace,

We find solace and a much-needed release.

Let go of the burdens that weigh you down,

The mistakes, the regrets, the constant frown.

Embrace the power of a brand-new start,

And mend the wounds that once tore you apart.

Move on from the things that held you back,

The toxic relationships, the dreams that lacked.

Discover the strength that lies deep within,

And let your journey of healing begin.

It's not about rushing towards the end,

But about savoring the joy life can send.

Take each day as an opportunity to grow,

And let your inner light continue to glow.

Remember, life's a marathon, not a race,

And finding balance is the key to embrace.

So, slow down, breathe, and take it all in,

For in this moment, a new chapter begins.

As you embark on this journey anew,

May you find the strength to see it through.

With each day, may you find peace of mind,

And leave the past and all its worries behind.

So, take a day at a time, my dear friend,

And let your spirit soar and transcend.

Embrace the present, let go of the past,

For a brighter future is yours to amass.


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